Beetle’s new home
5th Apr 2021
I am delighted to be the next custodian of GN Beetle having been looking for a GN/Frazer Nash that we could start to compete in for a couple of years. This had always been an interest but I never had the time, but having recently retired after running a computer software company for many years. I have more time to concentrate back on engineering related interests. I have always been into building and restoring vintage British motorbikes having served my time as a mechanical fitter at ICI and growing up in a family running and restoring steam traction engines and surrounded by brothers who were all engineers of one form.
I am extremely lucky that David (my son) has a great interest in mechanical engineering and is currently studying at Sheffield University. We built a Toylander when he was young to use in the garden. He then wanted something faster so asked if he could build a cyclekart. He modelled this on the GN 200 mile racer and designed and made it in our workshop learning the skills as he went along.
I have competed with my 1949 DOHC Manx Norton in a few sprints but the car hill climbs and sprints are all new to us apart from annually watching the VSCC at Harewood. We are trying to get a few road miles in Beetle now the weather is improving. There is a large learning curve ahead of us and we look forward to meeting club members and value any guidance and support on our GN/Frazer Nash journey.
Andrew Frank